Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another Semester of Blogging!!!

Hello Blog World : )
Looks like I will have the wonderful priviledge of blogging my thoughts once again as I enter into this Spring Semester. My Advanced Composition class is a 9-week intensive course of working online and one of my class assignments is to build a blog (which I already had for my previous semester) and write something on it every week about things I am discussing/learning in my class.

This week, we have talked abit about T.V. and viewing habits we had as a kid and how they have or have not impacted us. Overall, television has not impacted my life because my parents never wanted it too...praise the Lord! Here is my response on my class forum...
Growing up, I was homeschooled. And for some people that may seem like easy access to T.V. whenever I wanted.
Um - not quite!
There were 5 of us kids in my family and my Mom saw it as a great joy and honor to teach us kids at home until we entered college. We had one television in our home and an old 50's black and white television set in a mustard yellow that was hardly ever used. Watching the television was never permitted until everypiece of homework and school was done -typically around 3pm. After that we were only allowed to watch 2 episodes of a show Mom and Dad approved of - this made it quite difficult with 5 kids! But it worked and it made us take turns watching our favorite shows. The television was used for movies at times, mostly educational movies and the occasional Disney Classic movies.
Honestly, the television isn't really big in my memory as a child...most of my time was spent sewing with my Mom, cooking dinner with my sisters or playing games at night. We did alot of activities with other homeschool families throughout the day - which limited our time infront of the television. And this is exactly how my life is today. Most of my time is spent doing things for others, working on projects and spending time with friends/family...television is mainly used when a big event is going to be televised or a movie is being shown that everyone in the family will enjoy. I'm thankful for parents who kept me active physically and intellectually and didn't make the television a top priority.

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